Today I am going to praise God for my beautiful daughter Deanna. There were so many dark days over the past 3 years and on some of my darkest days I would pull out a cd that a lady gave me when I first attended the Alpha program fall of 2003. Whenever I would doubt God's plan for my life or Deanna's life these words from God always gave me comfort.
"Before you were ever born, you were special to me. I knew you before you were ever conceived in your mothers womb, with my own hands I fearfully and wonderfully created every little detail that makes you so unique. I knit together your body soul and spirit. I saw you long before you ever existed. I watched every day of your life, so I know you, I know where you've been, where you are, where you are going. If only you knew the thoughts I had towards you, did you know my thoughts for you outnumber the grains of sand on all the beaches of the world, you are the apple of my eye. When trouble approaches I hide you in the shadow of my wings. I've even engraved you on the palm of my nale scarred hands. It is my love for you that makes you precious and honored in my sight. I created you for my glory and I would never abandon what I had formed and made. My goodness and love will follow you everyday of your life. So do not fret I will fulfill my purpose for your life and always remember my love endures forever and ever."
deanna is such a cute little girl raema... probably hear that a lot, but i thought i would remind you again...
those are awesome words and an awesome reminder raema...
can you tell me about this forty days of praise thing??? i don't think i have heard of it, but it does not seem to be too complicated... is it just a blog thing???
Yeah it was started on the blogging world by a lady named Danielle, check out her site from June 15 and that will explain more... and it seems to be spreading like wild fire. Start your own journey, see where God will take you...I felt God telling me to do this after reading hers. If we can praise God everyday for 40 days imagine how it will change the way that we think and what a difference it will make in our own lives... it's not as easy as it looks:) When we are so accustomed to speaking negatively..
This post for Deanna is so special. I need to go back through your blog and read more of your journey. I serve single parents in the church I'm at. Well, I am just getting started. Being a single parent is tough...I have been one for 13 years. Holdfast to God's promises! What a beautiful child He has given you!!!
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