Monday, July 17, 2006

Day 21

Praise God for loving me even when I don't deserve to be loved. I'm home, I'm on vacation, but I'm miserable. Why?? That is what I am trying to figure out. A spiritual battle?? It would be so much easier to run away, go back home, relax and enjoy my time off. But I have to battle it out, find the roots, figure out what this is all about. I thought I had gotten over everything here, but I guess God is showing me how much further I have to go. I have come so far, but I do want to be completely free. There is so much freedom in Christ Jesus if we just accept his freedom, but it is not always easy. I want His freedom!!!!!


Danielle said...

Keep on praising my friend. This could be an attack. You're not alone. I think every woman experiences the highs and lows. Especially single women. Sorry to read you've got the blues. I pray the Holy Spirit brings peace and understanding to you quickly. Thank you for this very honest post. I am touched.

raema said...

Thanks Danielle, it was an attack. I love it when Satan tries to bring us down but God always comes out victorious.