Sunday, July 02, 2006

Day 6

Today I want to praise God for lightning bugs aka Fireflies. Over the last week or so I have been watching these amazing critters, they are such a beautiful reminder of God's hand at work. Today in church our pastor happened to bring lighning bugs into his sermon. How we need to be like lightning bugs, lighting up the darkness around us. We need to be a light in this dark, dark world. Are we a light in this dark world?? As we go about our day do we make a difference to those around us?? I looked up some information about Fireflies and found something that said the lightning bugs that we see flying at night are all males, the females are perched waiting for there signal. Men are you being a light in this dark world, are you taking the role that was meant for you?? To be the head not the foot?? Praise God for helping us be a light in this dark world.

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