Friday, July 07, 2006

July 6, Day 10

My praise tonight isn't one that I write lightly about, it has taken me a long time to be able to praise God for this. It has only been in the last year that I can really praise God about this, and on some days I still do struggle, when I'm in the flesh, when jealousy tries to take over, but God has been so faithful and I know I am truly blessed.

I praise you today for Deanna's dad. I praise you for bringing him into my life, our lives. I praise you for a dad who loves his daughters, who wants to spend time with them. I couldn't ask for a better father for Deanna, except that he know you, and I pray that someday he will. I thank you so much that he chooses to discipline his daughters, where there are so many fathers out there that will not, because they are afraid that the children will not love them. Like you discipline your children Lord we need to discipline our children, so that character is built and boundaries are set so that we can live healthy, full lives. This discipline causes us to love you even more Father, because we know that you care about us, and want the best for us, your best. I thank you that we are able to get along, that we are able to raise her as a team. I thank you that when he has her on weekends that he will drop her off at church when I ask him to. I thank you for bringing his family safely from Ethiopia, his brothers, and sister, and that his mother will come back someday soon, so Deanna can have her grandmother here. I thank you so much that because of you we are able to have a healthy relationship, because that is what is best for each and every one of us. Since I cannot provide Deanna with the family structure that you intended Lord I will do my best to give her the next best thing and that is her father. Amen

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Beautiful praise and one I understand so completely. If only my son's father knew Jesus. I praise God that my son does. I praise God that I do. That you do. What a generous Lord we have!