I realized tonight how afraid I am of man. I decided to join three of my friends as they were going to pray around the Exhibition Centre where they are holding a Psychic Fair this weekend. We arrived there and I was quite afraid, not as afraid as the night before, but enough that I was not free. Two of the girls walked boldly in, and another girl and I stayed outside, she had her shofar with her, which was awesome and she blew it as we went around the building and prayed. The girls came out and we walked and prayed together, but I was so afraid. One of the girls started praying out loud as the other was blowing the Shofar and some guys were hollering, or booing or something. There weren't a lot of people around because it was late, but enough to make me afraid. But I did it, I was there, that was the first step to breaking this spirit of fear.
I'm glad I read your post and figured out that was a shofar because I seriously thought it was some sort of dried internal organ you picked up at the hospital. I'm really tired...
It makes me want to eat some bugles...I guess I'm not that great at picking out pics, that's why I don't do it very often.
it funny how we can fear man more than anything else. I know what it is like to be afraid to stand up for what you know is true and right. I am so proud of you for staying and doing what you know God wanted you to do! I see him in you and through your actions. The way you love him inspires me to be a better person Raema and to work on my relationship with him!May God continue to use you in great ways :) Love you hun
Jacqui xo
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