Tuesday, November 21, 2006

We wish each day away, why? So we can wish the next day away. It doesn't make sense. Why are we always in a hurry to get our day over with, waiting for the weekend, and then the weekend comes and then it's gone, and we do it all over again. I just don't get it..... but that's what I do and I know so many who also do it. Where is God in our day to day life?? Where is he when we are at work?? Do we wish our days aways?? Or do we involve God in everything we do?? Do we see the little opportunites to shine his light or do we tuck him away and save him for a later more "appropriate" time??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

some days i wish away, but then some i wish would never end... that sounded really corny, but it is true... i know the immediate reasons that i say that, but i wonder if they are just surface level stuff and if there is something bigger in all of this stuff??