Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I have been really blessed, I have not had anyone close to me die, besides my Great-grand parents. As I sit here writing my Grand Father is lying in a hospital bed on Grand Manan and they have taken away his oxygen and his intravenous so he can die, because there is nothing they can do. And my heart is breaking into a million tiny pieces, and I don't understand why it's breaking. We really weren't that close, but he's my Grand Father. He has been fighting God all of his life and a couple of weeks ago he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour, so I can rejoice in that. I need peace Lord, give me peace.


Anonymous said...

praying for you and your family raema... may His peace be yours during this tough time...


raema said...

Thanks Scottie, I am feeling a little better today, just a little helpless being in Fredericton and all.